Lightworkers chose to be Gifted Beings when they were up in the Libraries of Heaven. This wasn't a decision made on Earth. When they get to a certain point in their life journey, Spirit calls on them and tells them it is time to be of service as that is their purpose. Every Legit Lightworker will actively be working alongside Spirit, they do not do any of this work alone. The Personal Files and the Akashic Records contain information about their abilities, their progress, their strengths and their weaknesses. Although Lightworkers are human and make human mistakes they stand in the light. They care deeply about the people they help and they care about the work that they do. Monetary gain is not their motivation it is sharing their gifts with those who seek it.
1. Ask them when they had had their last healing. Lightworkers need to work of themselves as well. They should either be receiving healing/guidance from another Lightworker or with Spirit directly.
2. Ask them who they work alongside. Their Spirit Guides or the Angels? If they say Jesus this is incorrect.
3. Ask them what their Spirit Guides name is. They should have a direct relationship with at least their Main Spirit Guide. They may not know their name but they will have some idea of who they are channeling.
4. Listen to how they speak about money. You can sense when someone's main priority is making money. This is a sign that they are either not Legit or they are but they are out of alignment. If this is the case we recommend finding someone else because either way you are not their main priority and you deserve to be.
5. Listen for ego. Is their advise to help you or is it to prove something by putting themselves on a pedestal. There is a difference between ego and tough love. Often times you will hear information that brings up uncomfortable emotions. This doesn't mean the Lightworker is out of alignment, it could, however most times Lightworkers provide guidance that contains information you don't want to hear. This is why you needed the guidance in the first place, you weren't listening to your own intuition and Higher Self.
6. Do the stories and guidance they provide come from a place of experience? Legit Lightworkers do the work. They have lived a lot of life, faced many challenges, and have a lot of experience. These experiences form stories to help others in similar situations. If a Lightworker is not living and growing they are not creating new experiences and therefore they have no advice to provide. These people often refer to stories of someone else. Information they have seen and heard from elsewhere. This is not their information to share because they have not experienced the validity of the experience.
Here are some options...
Word of mouth is good. If someone has had great results from a Lightworker it is worth checking them out. However, we recommend coming back here to check their record to ensure they are a good fit for you. Just because they were a good fit for the other person doesn't necessarily mean they are a good fit for you.
We are growing our database of Lightworkers everyday thanks to people like you utilizing our services, so you can always submit a request to see if we know a suitable Lightworker for you. Down the road we have plans to have this database readily available for you to search through.
As I mentioned in previous videos we also ask Spirit for recommendations directly because we have even found it difficult to find Certified Lightworkers. If you can't find someone to pull a report on and we don't have anyone in our database we will ask Spirit if they have any recommendations for you.
Lastly you are a Spiritual Being you have the ability to ask your Spirit Guides for assistance in finding someone suitable for you. All you have to do is call on them and ask them for help. If they can find someone they will find a way to put them in front of you either via marketing ads, social media recommendations, advertising and so on, once you ask, release the intention to find someone and just keep an eye out for any Lightworkers that randomly show up in your life.
Unfortunately we see this all too often. Hence why we created In the case that the report says that they are not certified this just means that we do not recommend using them.
At the end of the day it is still your choice. In most cases no harm will be done, although we can not guarantee this as we can not speak for their practices. However, you will not receive true benefits from the session you are having done. For ex. A Reading could be inaccurate and full of misinformation as the message isn't being channeled by Spirit but rather guessed by the person providing the Reading. In the case of Healers, Spirit works alongside the Healer, the Healer is just a channeler, therefore someone who is not an actual Lightworker is not channeling Spirit so no Healing is taking place.
Important Note: Not all Modalities fall under the Lightworker Category.
For Example: Reiki Practitioners are Attuned. They channel their Reiki Masters therefore they may not be a Lightworker however they can still Heal using Reiki Energy. Crystal Healing, is done by the Crystals the Practitioner is not channeling the Spirit Realm, so they do not need to be a Lightworker. There are many Healing modalities that do not fall under Lightworker, the core difference is where the connection is coming from. If you are unsure just let us know what the modality is and we will confirm whether the person needs to be an Akashic Record Certified Lightworker to be practicing it.
Please keep in mind that the power of your own belief and the use of Crystals can play a factor in your results even if that "Lightworker" is not certified.
Your beliefs act as a placebo effect. You have the power to heal yourself with your own beliefs. You manifest your own reality.
Crystals are actual Healing Beings, they have the ability to heal you on their own. So although the "Said Lightworker" may not be certified, if they utilize Crystals they may be doing the healing instead of the "Said Lightworker."
That depends on your main purpose. You could definitely have your Personal File pulled and find out if The Universe would consider it. This would be a combination of a File Reading and a Channel from Source. If you would like to learn more about this click the link below. Send us a message or book in for a Personal File Reading Session
Someone who is not a Spiritual Leader, Gifted, or a Non-Gifted Lightworker but has a Spiritual Purpose is someone who's purpose revolves around Spirituality but doesn't involve being a Lightworker with Gifted abilities.
Their purpose would be moreso about supporting the Lightworker community or spreading awareness around Spirituality and Lightworkers as a whole. They should not be claiming to have abilities, providing any type of Lightworker services but rather being an advocate for other Lightworkers and spreading light and love.
Their purpose would explain what these limitations look like and where they should be focusing their energy.
Not necessarily. Non-Gifted Lightworkers can be just as effective as a Gifted Lightworker so long as the service being offered is within their realm of experience.
For example... If someone is early on in their Spiritual Journey and they want to experience a Tarot Reading or an Energy Clearing for the first time, a Non-Gifted Lightworker is more than capable of assisting.
It is the more advanced types of Healings and services in which require more than a Lightworkers Spirit Guide for help. Many Reiki Practitioners are Non-Gifted Lightworkers as they are channeling Reiki Masters and are attuned to that particular Healing Energy.
Those who are Gifted with Reiki just have more experience as they have been a Reiki Healer since the birth of their soul. The Healing is still the same they may just have more advanced techniques and the energy may feel stronger.
If what you need requires a Gifted Lightworker, your file will suggest so. Otherwise a Non-Gifted Lightworker will be just as effective.
They can only work alongside their Spirit Guides or Reiki Masters.
Therefore they cannot channel the Galactic Council or the Angels/Pleiadians. High level Healing requires Angel assistance therefore they cannot provide high level Healing including Past Life Healing/Regression, imagination therapy, etc. They highest Level would be a maximum of 3.
They are not Mediums. Mediumship is the ability to communicate with Passed Souls who have died and remain in the Libraries Of Heaven. This is a direct connection therefore Non-Gifted Lightworkers cannot channel them.
They cannot Astrotravel or Time Travel. They are not Empaths, They cannot Heal animals, Plants, or Crystals unless they are Attuned to Reiki 2.
They do not have access to the Akashic Records for the use of others. However, they can access information to help them with their own Purpose.
They are not telepathic or remote viewers.
They also are not able to train other Lightworkers unless they are a Reiki Master, in which case they can teach Reiki.
There are many other things they don't have the ability to do however these are some of the most common things. It is important to focus on what they can do opposed to what they cannot for a more precise understanding of their abilities.
Think of the Files as Databases or information. The Akashic Records contain all information about our Universe and everything that pertains to it on a broad scale.
Whereas the Personal Files contain all information of every Soul on Earth and the Libraries of Heaven.
The Akashic Records contain some personal information however not to the depth of the Personal Files. The information is just to vast so it is split up into two different types of files.
Yes! The Akashic Records and Personal Files contain information about every being on our planet, Gifted and Non Gifted. They contain everything you may want to know about yourself, past, present, or future.
Our Gold and Platinum Lightworker Reports include Personal File information, however if you don't currently have a Lightworker you would like to look into then you can simply click the Personal File Report button below to be directed to our Personal File Report Request Form.
If you are looking for a more in depth file reading you can book in for a full Akashic Record or Personal File session by using this link.
Yes. Not all Lightworkers have the purpose/role of training other Lightworkers. This role is one that is not taken lightly by the Universe.
Training Organizations that are not certified tend to be either out of alignment with their purpose or are in it for money. They will train anyone and promote that anyone can be a Lightworker and this is false.
It is important to find an Organization that is heart centered. They instill the importance of balance. They understand that being a Lightworker is to be of service and that this is an ongoing journey of growth. They should be upfront about the fact that just because you finish training with them doesn't mean you are certified, Gifted or not. You still have to do the life work. There is no course that will certify you in the Akashic Records. It is your experience and the lessons you have learned in your life that ultimately determine your certification. A course or trainer can only guide you and provide you the principles. Your true training and mastery comes from doing the work within. Spirit is the one who ultimately trains you and it is an ongoing process. Many Legit Lightworkers have been doing this training unconsciously their entire life, this prepares them for when it is time to actually start sharing their Gifts with the world.
Many Legit Lightworkers never find the need to attend a course or training as Spirit has directly trained them from the beginning. Organizations are used as a way to help Gifted people realize that their purpose is to be a Lightworker. In some cases such as Reiki there is an attunement process where a human Master must attune you to the Healing Energy before you can perform on others. Not all abilities are like this.
If you would like to find out if a specific Training Organization is Certified in the Akashic Records to train others and if they are a good fit for you keep scrolling down the page to the Training Organization File Report Request Form.
Yes, there is information that cannot be shared. Jada can see almost all information however that doesn't mean she is allowed to share it with others. In the event something is unable to be shared she will kindly let you know. Sometimes she has a reason for not being able to and other times she does not. Oftentimes this is because knowing can deter you from your path, other times it may be harmful for someone else involved, it all just depends on the question.
There is no harm in asking just be wary that you actually want to know the answer to your question because sometimes the answer wont be what you want to hear.
Good question! The future is more fluid for those who are moving and less fluid for those who are stagnant. If you are a person who avoids change then the information will help you know what change would be beneficial for you.
If you are someone who is often making decisions and allowing change to ebb and flow in your life than the information could be helpful for making a decision between choices, or if you are someone who often forces change and lacks the balance in life the information may be helpful in knowing when it is time to hone in on something more stable.
There is a lot of information that is not fluid in the files as well and it can be helpful for understanding more of who you are and what your overall mission is.
All in all, the information is very useful for a present day scope of where things are at presently. Helping you make decisions today to keep you moving forward in a positive and impactful way. As you gain momentum and move in a specific direction so too with your path and that is when it may be useful to gain some new updated information from the files once again.
The initial report is FREE. This includes whether or not the Lightworker is Certified in the Akashic Records.
Once you know if the Lightworker is Legit, you will have the option to gain a more detailed report, which may include details on that Lightworkers qualifications and whether they are a good fit for you.
You will also have the opportunity to generate your own Personal Report as well. The information included in the report will be what your current purpose/challenges are and guidance on what steps would best benefit you and if there is any Spiritual Guidance or Lightworkers that would benefit your journey at this time.
Ex. You (for whatever reason) believe you need to heal past life trauma, therefore you need a Past Life Healer, however your file says you have no past life trauma and that your current purpose/challenge is to enjoy daily life and find balance between your personal and professional life. In this case a Past Life Healer is not recommended or necessary. Allowing you to release the false belief system and work towards the things that will actually benefit you.
This additional information will help you understand what kind of Spiritual assistance would be beneficial for you and what that particular Lightworker is qualified to help you achieve.
For example they may be able to help you clear your Chakras, however they may not be suitable for deeper Healing work that needs to be done in the near future. Therefore informing you that you will need to find a new suitable Healer to help you conquer your next challenge/cycle.
Then there is our premium add-on where you can ask any additional questions you have in regards to your Personal File. This add-on is charged per question so you only pay for what you want.
Recently Updated
We have had such an amazing response with these File Reports that we have had to adjust our completion timeframe.
Accessing the Akashic Records is very strenuous on the mind and body. Although I support Jada with providing basic information and the detailed explanations, Jada has the massive responsibility of accessing the information and ensuring all of my explanations are accurate and the way Spirit wants them explained.
As Lightworkers it is imperative that we maintain our own life balance. This ensures we can be of service not only to ourselves but to others. Therefore, Jada and I have decided that we will be dedicating our time to File Requests on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
We will continue sending them out in a first come first serve queue. Due to this new schedule we hope to have your File Report in your inbox within 7 days. This will allow us the time to be thorough with each one that comes across our desk. However, please keep in mind that this timeframe is also dependent on the amount of Files Requests flowing in at any one time.
If you do not receive your File within 7 days please send us an email so we can provide you a progress update. We thank you for your patience and we look forward to getting your Akashic Record File Report to you as soon as possible.
Gold & Platinum Reports will be mailed within 30 days of receiving the emailed copy if a mailing address was provided.
Yes. The report is only valid for 3 months. A lot can change in 3 months. Lightworkers are often upleveling or mastering their abilities. We are all human and we all make mistakes, in some cases Lightworkers can fall away from their path and their abilities may be temporarily or permanently taken away. Due to this, the report needs to be frequently reassessed to account for any changes that have been made.
Scroll down to the Training Organization section and fill out the form. This report will provide the Certification of the organization and any of the people running it (if you provide their names). If you choose to add-on your file the report will include if they are a good fit for you and if it is alignment for you. The report will also shed light on what your Spirit Guides want you to take out of the course/program/education.
For Example: You are doing a Chakra Healing course. Spirit knows the Organization isn't fully in alignment and is teaching things they shouldn't be. Your Spirit Guides believe the course is still a good option for you however, it is in your best interest to take the good things out of the course and leave other things behind. Your Personal File will provide details as to why the course is still a good fit for you, while also providing details as to what you should be wary of so you can get the most out of the experience as a whole. Spirit may also suggest you keep looking for a better fit, while keeping this option open in the event something better doesn't come up.
Yes Absolutely! Scroll down to our Personal File section and fill out the form. The report works just like the Lightworker one however it will provide information about yourself or your child.
We ask that you only submit Personal Report Requests on those whom have given you permission to do so as the information is that... Personal. Information provided about other individuals that are not related to you will be limited. If you feel a Report would be beneficial for someone we suggest sending them a link to this website instead of pulling the report for them giving them the opportunity to decide whether or not they want to pull their own report.
Depending on the tier of report you choose, in the Personal File Report we include things that are relevant to your current situation and the Lightworker support that will benefit you.
For example. You are seeking a Psychic to get a reading on your love situation. This means you need a Psychic that has experience with love and understands this cycle well. This allows this reader to provide you the guidance on how to create the results you seek. The Reader may say "Your future doesn't show a Lover". So now you may believe that you will never find a Lover. However, your file will provide you more information as to why this is not happening for you. This could be that you have past trauma related to relationships or love and you need healing in order to move past it and start attracting love into your life.
With the combined guidance of the Reader and your Personal File you will then have the steps to create the future you seek and attract the Lover into your life that didn't show up in your reading.
The future is fluid, therefore when we focus on working on improving ourselves we have the ability to manifest and attract the things we truly want into our lives.
Psychics are not meant to Future Tell but rather help you Future Create. By understanding your situation more thoroughly you can find Lightworkers who can assist you in getting the results you are after. That is how the Personal File can assists you.
This has always been a funny topic for me. This site is about connecting Akashic Record Certified Lightworkers with those who need them. It is not about making anyone feel less than.
EVERYONE on Earth has a role on Earth each as important as another. However, not everyone is a Lightworker. If everyone was a Lightworker we would not need Lightworkers and I know one day we will all remember how to go within and take accountability for our own personal growth journey and when that happens Lightworkers will be able to sit back and take a vacation. LOL.
"I Am Souls" are everyone else that do not have a Spiritual Purpose. "Normal People" I use the name "I Am Souls" because the main purpose of a normal person is to remember who they are. They are a Spiritual Being on a Spiritual Journey of Personal Growth. Lightworkers already know who they are that is why I call everyone else "I AM" Souls. I don't like calling non Lightworkers normal people because I don't believe anyone is normal. Everyone is special, that is what the journey is about, figuring out what makes you special.
So if The File says the person is an "I Am" Soul than they do not have a Lightworker Purpose. Their purpose is to find out who "They Are"
Spirit Guides are not family or anyone we have known on Earth. They are Enlightened Souls assigned to us as our Spirit Guide at the beginning of our Souls birth to help us on our journey of Enlightenment. As I have mentioned in previous videos, Spirituality is just the embodiment of personal growth, remembering who "I AM" or "you are". Every Earth Soul goes through this journey of Enlightenment. Our Spirit Guides have mastered this journey before the birth of our Soul and their next journey after Enlightenment is to use the skills they have mastered to than guide another human through the same process.
Most people especially "I AM" Souls have 1 Spirit Guide that is with them their entire journey. Lightworkers can have one to a lot depending on their purpose and the amount of work needed to accomplish it. Everyone has a main Spirit Guide and then they will have a team of Guides below them that help carry the load. For example I have 1 main Spirit Guide named Max and then I have a couple of Guides who help her and then I have Ancient Guides. Main Guides are for everyday Guidance and Ancient Guides are for more overview of your life. It is important for a Reader to know the difference because the relevance of the guidance provided can actually contradict each other. I have different Tarot Decks for this reason. I have Main Spirit Guide decks that I speak to my Main Spirit Guides through and I have Ancient Spirit Guide Decks. I use these ones when my Main Guides are unavailable and vague guidance will due until my Main Guides are available again.
Bathroom Buddies, are additional Spirit Guides with the role of protection. They protect High Level Lightworkers from Spiritual Attack. They live inside the bathrooms of the Lightworkers dwelling. In the event they don't have a bathroom the Spirit Guide will reside somewhere else in the dwelling.
They take on the energy of the home so it is important to cleanse often. They particularly love to be acknowledged so saying hello to them when you walk into the bathroom is always a nice gesture. They love essential oil reed diffusers and crystals in the bathroom as they find it calming as well.
When there is an Entity, Negative Being, or bad energy in the home they will provide warning signs. In my experience they sway the bathroom doors back and forth, they move things around, and I have others experience messages on the fogged mirrors or shower glass. Just know that when this happens they are just trying to get your attention about something. It could be an important message about danger or it could be that they are personally annoyed by something. Just depends on the severity of their warnings. My suggestion is to either do a reading with your Spirit Guides so you can find out what they are trying to tell you or you can try and ask the Bathroom Buddy and wait for a response. You have less control over the later option.
Twin Souls are not Soul Mates. Twin Souls are originally created in the womb. As we know how twins are made.
Identical Twins being an egg that splits into 2. A Soul enters the womb at 3 weeks. So when the egg splits so too does the Soul. They are Identical not only in life but also as a Spirit, meaning they share the same purpose, the same gifts, even the same Spirit Guides. Identical Twins are Twin Souls for the remainder of their Souls life...which is eternal. They are Gifted by default because of the connection they create in the womb together. They are telepathic between one another and they oftentimes have many additional gifted abilities.
This also means that in every reincarnation they also return as twins... except in a few very rare cases. These cases revolve around their next lives purpose and when and how they died in their last life. Jada is one of these rare cases her Twin Soul is 5 years younger than her in this life, other than them looking different and being raised in 2 separate families they still remain Twins on a Spiritual level. Their Spirit Guides even travel back and forth from each of their homes. Jada is able to see through her Twins eyes as if they were her own and they can speak to each other telepathically anytime they choose. They hold the same Spiritual roles and responsibilities and work alongside each other in the Spirit Realm.
There are only 4 Identical Twins currently alive where the pair is not gifted, only one of them is. In these rare cases they are similar to Fraternal Twins as they don't have the same purpose, or the same gifted abilities.
Now with Fraternal Twins, where 2 eggs are fertilized, 2 souls share the womb. They are not Twin Souls but rather what is called a Soul Connection. Soul Connection has nothing to do with Twins it is actually about an extremely strong bond which is created between 2 souls. Twin souls also have this bond from being in the womb together, Soul Mates have this Soul Connection however it is created differently, and there are also what is Known as Common Connections which also have this Soul Connection, again created differently (see below Q &A for more on these cases).
One or more Fraternal Twin may or may not be gifted. They will not share the same personality, interests or purpose. They are 2 separate souls with a deep connection to one another but are living out their own individual journey just doing it at the same time. They are not guaranteed to be twins again in reincarnated lives either. However Soul Connections do remain together in some kind of capacity for their entire souls lifetime. (See Soul Connection for more)
Soul Mates are actually one of the few things in life that are created by coincidence. They are not made in the Libraries of Heaven and "God" did not choose them. Soul Mates create themself by forming a bond of Pure Unconditional Love together which is called a Soul Connection. This bond is so powerful that from the moment it is formed those Souls will be in a Loving Relationship for their entire Souls life. Soul Mates are not created or attracted without both parties being in a strong independent place. We do not find our Soul Mates we attract them and we attract them when we embody Pure Unconditional Love for ourselves.
My husband and I have been Soul Mates for a very long time. We have lived many different lives together. Not all of them are Sexual Relationships however they are all Deep Loving Relationships. Very, very close. For example we were best friends in a life where we were non-binary it was not romantic but we shared a very deep love for one another. We were cats together in another life and had many kittens over our lifetime. In our last life he was a Bull and I was a Human Female, I fell in love with him when we crossed paths at a bull fight. If I remember correctly I was protesting it. I ended up saving him and he became my pet bull like my very own Ferdinand lol. In this life I lived in Canada and he lived in Australia. I had been in many terrible relationships in my past and one day I woke up and broke my cycle and made me the commitment. I changed my life and was on an amazing journey of personal growth. I was not looking for love because my life was so full of love all on my own that it wasn't even a thought in my mind. Long story short he was on a Working Visa in Canada and we crossed paths and the rest is history. Neither of us were looking for love, we just attracted it and for me it was like he was another piece of my already perfect life puzzle, no adjustments needed to be made. We will continue to have these deep relationships throughout our lives because of the bond we created so very long ago. This is why when Soul Mates reconnect they feel a deep sense of home. They have experienced so much together over their lifetimes, so many challenges and lessons, but one thing is a constant. Pure Unconditional Love.
Soul Mates WILL cross paths in divine timing. It is all about the perfect moment of alignment which takes place when both Souls are the best versions of themselves. When they are radiating Pure Unconditional Love that can't help but attract one another like magnets.
Soul Mates are similar to Common Connections however they have that very deep love component. They are both Soul Connection though so they do share the energetic magic that only one can describe if they have experienced it. The energy that emits off of a Soul Connection is like double voltage of Light. Combining their manifestations is pure magic as in is unbelievably powerful. When they are in alignment there is no stopping them. When they share their combined energy with others it spreads a extremely powerful love that many have never had the opportunity to experience.
Not to be Mistakes with Twin Flame. In the Akashic Records Soul Mates are not called Twin Flames. That is a human term and so often been misinterpreted. Twin Flame relationships are often toxic and are based on infatuation and attachment and these emotions cause a person(s) to believe that they are Soul Mates.
Common Connections are Souls that have had past lives together who have created a Soul Connection together. I touched on Soul Connections in the Q&A topics of Twin Souls and Soul Mates. Common Connections do not have the Romantic connection like Soul Mates and they also are not Twin Souls. They are just people who have shared experiences together on their Souls journeys. Within those experiences they have created a very special bond with one another that attracts them to one another in future lives. This bond is called Soul Connection.
Common Connections will often feel a sense of deep connection when they are together, like they have known each other their whole life. A sense of belonging and understanding. They can also create manifesting magic together similar to Soul Mates and Twin Souls due to their Soul Connection bond. Others are also attracted to them like magnets as they can feel their amplified energy when they are around them. This very special bond also comes with many challenges and lessons along the way such as maintaining balance, setting boundaries, standing in ones integrity, and truly allowing ebb and flow in the relationship because although there is a deep sense of connection, both parties are still here to experience an independent journey of personal growth.
Much like the Twin Flame situation sometimes feelings of extreme connection are not actually feelings of Soul Connection but rather of infatuation and/or attachment. A way to check in with yourself to ensure this isn't the case is to look at where you are coming from in the relationship. Are you in a good place in your life? Do you feel secure as an individual? Are you both uplifting and supporting one another? Do you allow the relationship and both parties to ebb and flow? All connections are meant to make us feel good. They are not meant to fix our lives but rather amplify what we already have. If you have people in your life that do not make you feel good. This is a great time to take inventory of the situation and ask yourself how YOU CAN IMPROVE YOURSELF. If making these changes in your life doesn't improve the relationship then maybe you need to set some boundaries to ensure the things that are not making you feel good stop. If at that point things are still not working than maybe it is time to accept that maybe the cycle of the relationship is at a point of falling away whether for now or forever, again allowing ebb and flow.
Soul Connections come in many forms. Jada's Grandmother or my Mother is a Soul Connection to Jada. They have had passed lives together, in the last they were Mother and Daughter... yet my Mother and I have not had passed lives together. You can feel their bond from a mile away. They have faced many challenges together, distance of being across the world from one another is one of those.
My Uncle's, both from this lifetime have both passed away when I was a teenager and reincarnated back into my life as an adult. One is now my cat Muncle and the other is my youngest daughter Zoe. They both are Soul Connections. We know of Soul connection where their plant is a Soul Connection so it doesn't have to be a human or an animal it can be anything with a Soul. They also do not have to be family. They can be friends or even acquaintances. They come in many forms.
The 164 Spiritual Leaders on this planet all have a Soul Connection to one another. They have all met in past lives in many different forms and in different capacities. All of their purposes are intertwined together and their mission to complete them is the bond that they share. In this life they will all meet one another face to face and they will all feel a sense of belonging with one another. If a 2 Soul Connection is strong imagine when 164 come together... It will be Pure Magic!
Star Seed is one of many names used by humans to describe someone who is believed to be from another planet. Other common names would be Extra Terrestrial Descendants, ET Descendant, Aliens, or Sky People. No matter what name is used they are NOT HUMAN. They are the descendants of Extra Terrestrials that once lived here on the planet.
We have some races of Extra Terrestrials that live within Earth such as the Reptilians, Atlanteans, Mu People, Sirens and Lemurians. Most commonly the Reptilians have many Descendants which many know the dark ones as the Illuminati, or the light ones as the Aboriginals. They refer to them as their Ancestors. The other 4 live in the Lost City of Atlantis as Mermaids. The Atlanteans were also known as the Anunnaki. Their planet was destroyed and they were stuck here on Earth where they were forced underground after the great floods. (see Star Seed/Descendant vs Origin/Lineage Q & A for more on this).All the other Descendants have family from other planets their ancestors are back on their own planets. These Descendants are far and few between. These ET's fled to safety during the floods, returning to their planets. Unfortunately some beings were left behind by accident. This is where the Descendants originate from.
The Universe is very strict about the amount of Descendants that can be born on Earth as their DNA does not cope well with the human body. Because of this, Descendants are often riddled with disease and illness. It is very difficult for them to heal from illness because although their flesh is human the inner workings of the body are not. What I mean by this is yes the organs are physical human flesh but the Chakras/databases or as some may refer to the Soul within the organs are not human so it doesn't know how to work harmoniously with the human body.
There is also something to note about illness. There is a DNA strand within the Descendants body that causes their illnesses. This is their Ancestor DNA Strand... When this strand is compromised with illness or disease it creates a portal for their Ancestors to reach them. So it is extremely important for Descendants to surrender to their illness as it will allow for the guidance and downloads being sent to them to come through. When they are not ill they do not have this connection so although being ill is never fun it is worth embracing it in this situation as it is a time of reuniting with their Anscestors.
Descendants have not lived previous lives they are all NEW SOULS born here on Earth. They only get one human life and when it is finished they will return to their Ancestors planet for eternity. They have no Purpose on Earth other than to enjoy life to the fullest. They are able to choose what it is they want to experience as their life is not connected to the Libraries of Heaven or the evolution of the planet. Many come with naturally gifted abilities because their DNA is more evolved than humans, therefore a path of a Lightworker would be well suited for many of them if they chose it.
Descendants do not have Spirit Guides as they are not part of our planet. Mother Earth takes care of them like her own Children guiding them as a Spirit Guide would. There is a protective barrier around our planet that keeps ET's from entering our planet this barrier also keeps Ancestors from contacting their loved ones which makes being a Descendant extremely difficult. There is an extreme feeling of loss and feeling of not belonging and they often don't understand why they feel this way. This is not the same as a Lightworker who feels different from regular society, a black sheep. This feeling is much deeper. They often experience intense dreams/memories of being left behind on the planet. These are not their own memories but stored memories from their Ancestors these memories are there to help them remember who they are, but for many they feel so real that they don't even realize that the memories are not actually their own. It isn't until they find a Legit Lightworker that can channel their Ancestors for them that can bring them back together and they can get the answers they seek about who they truly are and what truly happened to them.
In the Files we have included whether or not someone is a Star Seed. If the person is a Star Seed there will be very limited file information as the Star Seed Files are held on their own planet not on ours. The Personal Files are for Humans. Therefore, if you have a file you are 100% human. If your file says you are a Star Seed, Jada will provide as much details as she can see about your situation. Just know that it wont be the same information that a Humans might be.
Please know that there is a difference between having some ET DNA and being a Star Seed. Human DNA was manipulated early on in our evolution, it was mixed with many different types of ET DNA. This was to help the planet and humanity evolve. However, this doesn't mean we came from those planets. Gaia and Mother Earth created us humans and it is so very important that we acknowledge that they are our creators. We have energetic roots like umbilical cords to this planet. This is our home, our only home and we need to treat it that way, if we want to avoid the same fate of those who have been trapped underground here in Earth for trying to take control of a planet that was not their own.
Please also read Star Seed/ET Descendant vs Origin/Lineage Q & A as this will explain more about the ET DNA that is within every Human and how one can find out more about their Origin/Lineage. If you still have further questions about this please add these questions to the additional questions in your file request.
There is only one Descending family of Arcturians and there are no Pleiadean Descendants. All ET's are 3D beings except for the Pleiadeans who are 5D beings who have mastered Spirituality, therefore they do not have any 3D descendants.
There is only one Descending Family of the Mu People and they are all Female. This family has half Spiritual Leaders and Gifted people and the other half are Mu.
There is a lot of misinformation about Star Seeds. I highly suggest listening to Akashic Record Truths Podcast episode on ET Descendants as I could not possibly share everything here.
Many have these two confused. Our DNA was manipulated back when we were Neanderthals. Our DNA was mixed with many different types of ET's but equally. This was done through scientific means which was handled by the Arcturians under the approval of the Galactic Federation and the Universe. That is how we went from Neanderthals to Humans.
Although we all have ET DNA it does not mean we are Extra Terrestrial. We are still Humans from Earth, Mother Earth created us and our energetic umbilical cords are tied to this planet. We are not Star Seeds.
When this experiment was successful. It caught the attention of some ET's and they felt they should come to Earth and help along humanity almost like family. They came here originally with pure intentions to help us evolve however what they didn't understand is that by leaving their own planets to come evolve humanity it left their planets unattended and broke the systems in which kept their own planets evolving.
As I mention briefly in the Star Seed Q & A, we have energetic ties to our own planet as our planet is our creator. I want you to think of everything in our Universe as a structure like a Business. Everything has systems and procedures, roles and responsibilities. So the planet has a structure and everything on the planet has specific roles and responsibilities in order to maintain the systems and procedures which make up the structure that kept the planet growing and evolving as a whole.
When all of the ET's left their planets there was no one left to fill those roles and responsibilities therefore the structure crumbled, leaving both them and their planets very vulnerable. In many cases these planets perished from lack of care and in other cases these defenseless planets were destroyed by an outside source known as Baphomet (often misinterpreted as the Devil) that saw that they were neglected and abandoned.
They began intentionally manipulating DNA to grow their civilizations on Earth, this time without the Galactic Federation or the Universes approval. They did this by intermingling with humans. They did this naturally, not scientifically.
Now obviously this second round of DNA manipulation made for an inequal distribution of DNA. Some humans were intermingling with Grey Aliens, some with the mermaids such as the Atlanteans, Mu or the Lemurians. some with the Martians as so on. This is where Origin/Lineage comes in. Special blood types have this additional DNA. Therefore having lineage that goes back to this time of intermingling.
As time went on, the destruction of some of their planets became known. Those ET's became wary or their belonging and more enticed to make Earth their home. As the population on Earth grew and humans became more evolved so too did their beliefs and want for independence. This caused feuds between communities. This is when insecurities started to creep in and the ET's intentions began shifting. These ET's knew they didn't have planets to go back home to, so they began creating a Hierarchy by undermining and controlling the humans on Earth to secure there place on Earth.
Now even in the event you have this additional DNA this does not make you a Star Seed. It just means you have an origin story that intertwines with specific ET's. You were still created by Mother Earth & Gaia, you are still human. When you die you will return to the Libraries of Heaven and continue evolving within the structure of Earth, whereas when Star Seeds "die", they shed their human body and go to their Ancestors planets to live out eternity or in the event those ET's are trapped here in Earth then the Star Seed will go to their Ancestors location in Earth and spend eternity there. ex. All Mermaids currently live in the Lost City of Atlantis in the Ocean.
If you would like to learn about your Origin/Lineage please feel free to add the additional question to your File Request and we will add any relevant information for you.
Passed Souls are Spirits who have died and are currently in Spirit form. I call them Passed Souls to avoid confusion about who I am speaking about. As a Medium, Psychic, and a Channeler it can be very difficult ensure clients understand whom I am receiving information from. Oftentimes people just say Spirit said this. I believe it is important to understand whom your are speaking to, whom you are receiving information from. Otherwise how will you know when you are speaking to someone who you shouldn't. Not only this but if I gave you my time and shared my guidance with you and then you went and someone else Jesus told you that. I would be offended. I know the Spirit Realm is not petty however I do know they like to be acknowledged, Afterall their entire purpose is guiding you to enlightenment potentially without you even knowing they exist.
So we have Spirit Guides, these are not family or anyone we have known on Earth. They are Enlightened Souls assigned to us as our Guide at the beginning of our Souls birth to help us on our journey of Enlightenment.
Then we have Passed Souls. They are family, friends, acquaintances from the 3D that have died and are in the Libraries of Heaven preparing to reincarnate or move onto their next big journey. While they are there they often like to come down and share their wisdom with those they knew in life. Now that they can see things from a birds eye view they have much to share, especially when they have recently experienced something similar to what you are currently going through.
Then we have the Pleiadeans, humans often call them Angels because of the glow around their body and the reflection that makes it look like they have a Halo. They come to provide guidance on the really big stuff. Especially around death. They are the ones who ask you if you are ready to go back to the Libraries of Heaven. They are often who channelers are channeling about big picture matters. They also provide protection for level 5-9 Healers.
Then there is the Galactic Federation. Some Channelers have the role of channeling messages to the masses or moreso groups of Lightworkers. These messages are about knowledge, guidance, or matters pertaining to the planet and humanity as a whole.
There are obviously many more beings good and bad in the Spirit Realm all with different roles and responsibilities. My reasoning for calling loved ones we have lost in our lives "Passed Souls" is because although they are now technically Spirits it differentiates them from all the other Spirits in our Universe making it easier to narrow down who exactly I am speaking about.
Believe it or not most people do not have past life trauma. This is because we have to make amends before we can reincarnate. We tie up all loose ends in the Libraries of Heaven after we die so we can start a new journey when we return. Forgetting who we are is a huge part of how our process of evolution works. It is all about having a clean slate so we can create a new unbiased experience.
Now past life trauma is a thing for some. Most are High Level Lightworkers. This is because they have to live so many experiences that sometimes they overlap or new experiences trigger old ones.
There is a lot of misinformation around this topic. I believe this is because it is something a fake healer can get away with. It is the one thing most people can't tell whether or not they have, so it is easy for that fake healer to convince you there is actually something to heal when there isn't. As I have said before not the end of the world if you waste a few hundred dollars on a scam and "clear" some fake past life trauma, however the issue is when you take on the believe that there was past life trauma that is effecting you in this life. For one if you take it on it becomes your reality and two if you believe you cleared an issue from doing past life healing than maybe you didn't actually clear the real core issue that stemmed from this life. Both of these situations can actually harm your personal growth journey.
So we have added it to the Personal File so you know whether or not this pertains to you. That way you know whether or not you should be seeking a Past Life Healing (Regressionist is what some of them call themselves). Not every Healer can provide Past Life Healing so it is best to do your research and find a suitable fit to ensure you get the results needed.
Just like finding the right Lightworker to work with, so too is finding the right information to consume. There is so much information out there and unfortunately not all sources have pure intentions. Once again, this is not harmful until someone believes the false information and it becomes their reality.
Luckily our Spirit Guides are often placing material in front of us that they would like us to take on. I have had books fall off of shelves, been gifted books, and my intuition is pretty good for feeling for the right ones. However I have also had my fair share of bad choices as well. The further along our journey, the more in tune we become, the stronger our intuition becomes at which point we are able to recognize when something is in alignment with our beliefs and is something we should or should not take on.
However, it never hurts to check the Akashic Records for it's take on a book or Author. If you feel you would like to know whether or not a book is worth the read just pop it in the Lightworker File Report. Fill out the request as if the Author is the Lightworker (because technically they are or should be) and write the title of the book in the service section of the form. We will then run the File on the Author and the Book.
We will be creating an Akashic Record Certified Book section on this site soon. As more and more book requests are brought to us we will continue to add them to the list so anyone seeking some legit Spiritual content is able to find the perfect book to suit their needs.
When someone is said to be out of alignment it just means that person is repeating cycles that are not beneficial for them at the moment. If one is taking 100% responsibility for their personal growth they should understand that this is constructive guidance on what needs to be worked on to move forward in the most beneficial way for them.
Life cycles are never ending, there are many challenges and lessons to learn from. We fall in and out of alignment when we are unaware of our cycles causing us to repeat them or when we refuse to learn the lessons we are being presented with.
I have mentioned before that Lightworkers most often fall out of alignment because we struggle with things such as balance and boundaries around self care. We give too much, not thinking about the consequences that not only effect us but others as well.
I want to touch on why alignment is so important and why obtaining regular files can be beneficial. As Lightworkers we are providing services that help individuals be their best, therefore we must lead by example and do the same. It is within mastering our own life cycles that helps us become great Lightworkers. The information contained in our Files helps us understand where we are at in our own journey, what we need to work on, what improvements can be made and so on. We are no help to anyone if we are not actively working on ourselves. By checking our File regularly we are able to gain insights about our life progress so we can make any necessary adjustments, by doing so we ensure we stay in alignment and this is beneficial for everyone including ourselves.
Believe it or not those in the Spirit Realm are the ones that send the majority of clients to us. They know whether we are in alignment or not. When we are in alignment as a Lightworker our Spirit Guides spend their time guiding individuals our way. They do this because they know we are in a place to be able to help individuals with the challenges they are currently facing.
They also deter people from coming our way when we are out of alignment. They do this for reasons unique to the situation... If it is about balance, being less busy can allow time for us to do the things we haven't been making time for. If it is about personal growth, maybe we need to make space to work on ourselves before we attempt to help anyone else.
We can have the best marketing in the world, however if the Spirit Realm feels it is in the best interest of everyone they will find a way to make opportunities fall away.
By being proactive about our personal growth and checking in regularly we can adjust and make shifts when needed opposed to falling out of alignment first.
If you are wondering why your Lightworker Practice is not taking off or why it is slowing down, a Personal File Report could help you understand what areas of your life need shifting so you can get back into alignment and start attracting more abundance in your life.
When choosing additional questions it is important to be specific. There is endless amounts of information in the Akashic Records and Personal Files. The information also comes from many different perspectives of duality, so the best way to get the information/answer you seek is to be clear about what it is you are asking.
For Example:
Will I find Love?
This depends on your definition of love. Love comes in many different forms. We feel love from family, friends, and romantic relationships. People also come in and out of our lives based on our alignment with the other person and the willingness to grow with one another. It is likely that most people find love many times in their life. Love evolves as we learn and master it. What we feel is love as a teenager is different when we are in our 20's and so on. In most cases we experience many different relationships over the course of our lives so we can obtain the knowledge and wisdom that teaches us that we don't find love but rather attract it. We attract true love once we are wise enough to understand what that is and when we realize true love starts with loving ourselves.
So if you want a specific answer to your question make sure you are clear.
A better questions would be: Do I find True Love before I turn 30, get married and spend the remainder of my life with this person?
If the answer is still maybe we will always provide as much details as possible regarding the situation however it is important to understand that your path choices determine your future so if you want to attract true love you must take daily steps towards EMBODYING true love everyday. Otherwise you are taking daily steps to attracting the opposite.
When it comes to Universal Questions it again is important to be concise or ask a Yes or No Question
Question: Is the Earth Flat?
Answer: No... Because our Universe contains all Spheres. It contains all spheres because that is what it's consciousness chose to create. Some Universes have flat planets because that was the perspective that Universe wanted to experience.
Yes and no is easy to build off of we can provide additional details to help you understand the information and it can also help you come up with additional questions to help you understand the topic better as well.
Question: What about Mars?
Answer: What about Mars?
This is WAY to broad. When searching the Akashic Records think of it like a google search engine. The more narrow the question the more concise the answer. There is so much information entire books could be written about every question so you want to ask a question that can help you start your journey of discovery.
Trust that you know everything within yourself, so by starting with something you believe you already know, gaining confirmation on that can help you build off of it.
Question: Will humans colonize on Mars?
Answer? They might try... but they will not succeed. This is an agenda for the Reptilians and their Descendants to take over Planet Earth by making humans believe we are over populated and our planet is dying. Mars is already home to the Martians. It is not our place to try and relocate there. Our home is Earth, our energetic umbilical cords are tied to our Mother, Earth. Our job is to discover who "I Am" and help our Mother grow and thrive. We do not have the luxury of relocating once we have ignorantly destroyed our own home. Therefore it is our duty to take care of our creator and ensure we leave a home for all future generations.
As I have mentioned before you can ask any additional question your heart desires however, in some rare cases Jada is unable to share the answer. This can be for many different reasons but the main common reasons would be that you knowing may impact the final outcome, the information could be private or confidential, or it could harm another party. In the event you ask a question that cannot be shared Jada will do her best to let you know why it cannot be shared at this time.
Some additional questions that often get asked in case you need some ideas would be:
- Do I have children in the future?
- What is my Origin/Lineage?
For those of you who have deep seeded trauma, addictions, chronic illness, or mental disorders that you cannot seem to kick. Please know that we are here to help in anyway we can. Your File contains anything and everything you need to know to live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life, however sometimes the cure to the issues you face stem from a core issue that you may not want to face.
For those of you who are ready to dive deep into the core so it can be healed please know that you can ask whatever questions you have to ask no matter how dark or twisted you think they might be. We will do our very best to answer them to the best of our abilities and if needed help you find a suitable Lightworker to help you get through whatever core trauma you may be facing. You can ask these questions right on the File request form or you can ask to be contacted directly so you can share your questions on the phone after you have submitted your request form. The other alternative is booking in a Personal File Session to ask all of your questions and obtain your file details in depth over a 30 or 60 minute video call. This is the link to do so: Personal File Session
If you have Sexual Assault questions for Personal Files or Child Files you can do so via the options above.
If you are concerned about the safety of a child regarding a possible predator please submit the Child File request with the additional question regarding the situation and we will contact you directly to discuss the file. We take these situations very seriously and your privacy and the child's safety are of utmost importance.
Is Your Lightworker Akashic Record Certified?
If they're an Akashic Record Certified Lightworker
If so, what kind of Lightworker they are
What their gifted abilities are
If their gifted abilities are activated
All Bronze questions
If the Lightworker is a good fit for you currently
Explanation of why or why not a good fit
What Spiritual work is recommended for you at this time
Any path or cycle guidance
If you have Past Life Trauma
If you're an Akashic Record Certified Lightworker
If you are a Star Seed / Descendant
What kind of Lightworker (if applicable)
What your gifted abilities are (if applicable)
If your gifted abilities are activated (if applicable)
Overall/Future purpose information (if applicable)
All of Bronze and Gold questions
Your Souls age
How many lives you have lived
How many human lives you have lived
Any Soulmate or Twin Soul information (if applicable)
Main Spirit Guides Name(s)
Bathroom Buddies Name (if applicable)
Any Guidance From Your Spirit Guide(s)
Any relevant Past Life Trauma information (if applicable)
If any Passed Souls are trying to make contact
Messages from Passed Souls (if applicable)
Lightworker File Report
Lightworkers Details
Your Details
If purchasing Gold or Platinum Report please provide additional information below.
All Information helps ensure correct file is pulled.
Please provide postal address if you would like a hard copy of report sent in the mail.
(Only available for Gold & Platinum Reports)
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I agree to terms & conditions provided by Unmasked Potential and/or Legit Lightworkers.
Is Your Lightworker Training Organization (LTO)
Akashic Record Certified?
If they're an Akashic Record Certified LTO
What they are certified to teach
If Lightworker, Practitioner, or Trainer #1 is a Legit Lightworker
What kind of Lightworker #1 is
Gifted abilities of Lightworker #1
Lightworker #1 activated gifts/abilities
If Lightworker, Practitioner, or Trainer #2 is a Legit Lightworker
What kind of Lightworker #2 is
Gifted abilities of Lightworker #2
Lightworker #2 activated gifts/abilities
All Bronze questions
If the LTO is currently a good fit for you
If the course/program a good fit for you
Explanation of why or why not a good fit
If you're an Akashic Record Certified Lightworker
What kind of Lightworker (if applicable)
If you are a Star Seed/Descendant
What your gifted abilities are (if applicable)
If your gifted abilities are activated (if applicable)
If your current path is in alignment with your purpose
Any path or cycle guidance
What Spiritual work is recommended for you at this time
All of Bronze and Gold questions
Your Souls age
How many lives you have lived
How many human lives you have lived
Any Soulmate or Twin Soul information (if applicable)
Main Spirit Guides name(s)
Bathroom Buddies name (if applicable)
Any significant Past Life information
Any additional guidance from Spirit Guide
If any Passed Souls are trying to make contact
Messages from Passed Souls (if applicable)
Lightworker Training Organization File Report
Lightworkers Details
Your Details
If purchasing Gold or Platinum Report please provide additional information below.
All Information helps ensure correct file is pulled.
Please provide Postal Address if you would like a hard copy of report sent to you in the mail.
(Only applicable for Gold of Platinum Reports)
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I agree to terms & conditions provided by Unmasked Potential and/or Legit Lightworkers.